Strategic Planning
Organisations survive, succeed and excel through environment scanning, resource development and a matching or co-alignment of the two through their strategic objectives. The external environment holds the promise of opportunity as well as challenge of threats. Internally, an organisation has significant latitude (subject to corporate constraints), to develop resources to either exploit the opportunity or fend off the threats in pursuit of responsible corporate citizenship, growth and sustainable competitive advantage. This is the genesis and foundation of strategic planning, one of our core strengths at DevArt. We take the success of our clients to heart and provide stellar strategic planning consulting services to enable our clients align external environmental dictates with their internal resource development efforts through setting and realizing SMART strategic objectives. This in turn enables corporations to excel within their respective industries. Over the years DevArt has been an integral part of many corporate success stories by offering best in class strategic planning consulting services to many organizations in the public and private sector in the region. We have a grounded understanding of strategic planning tools such as the Balanced Scorecard, Blue Ocean among others.
The BSC/SBSC Framework
The BSC is a strategic planning and performance measurement tool that constrains the strategic planning process to the organisation and its strategic goals ultimately helping to prioritize resource allocation and performance measures so that the goals so selected are attained economically, efficiently and effectively. The BSC has four perspectives while the SBSC has six.
i. Organizational Capacity: Views organizational performance through the lenses of human capital, infrastructure, technology, culture and other capacities that are key to breakthrough performance. Measures the strength of internal capital including human capital, information capital and organization capital. (E.g. employee motivation, training and progress, information systems, databases and networks, culture and leadership).
ii. Internal Business Processes: Views organizational performance through the lenses of the quality and efficiency related to our product or services or other key business processes. It focuses on the internal production or processes that take place throughout the value chain. It reflects the firm’s ability to adapt, change, and innovate.
iii. Customer/stakeholder perspective: This perspective views organizational performance from the customer or other key stakeholders that the organization is designed to serve. This perspective describes the firm’s customer/stakeholder value proposition via a set of objectives, measures, and initiatives reflecting how the firm wants to be perceived by its customers/stakeholders.
iv. Financial, often renamed Stewardship. This perspective views organizational financial performance and the use of financial resources. Measures whether the implementation of a strategy leads to improved economic success.
v. The Social/Ethical perspective. Social impact is now an integral part of corporate health and as such performance measurement frameworks regard this a critical performance measure. Sustainability reporting includes employee issues (diversity, health, and safety) to customer issues (product labeling and consumer privacy) to societal issues (philanthropy and community well-being).
vi. Environmental perspective. Corporations have a significant impact on the natural environment which is not captured by the economic return measures. Reaching global climate changes can be greatly attributed to corporate behavior and threaten the well-being of future generations raising increasing concerns regarding future generations. Sustainability reporting enhances management’s focus on and commitment to sustainable business practices.
We integrate BSC/SBSC principles and metrics into the strategic planning process to accomplish two cardinal objectives. The first is restricting strategic focus to what is most valuable to the organisation, while the second is developing a set of KPIs for performance measurement as well as M&E.
Gap Planning
Gap planning is also referred to as a Need-Gap Analysis, Need Assessment, or the Strategic-Planning Gap. It is used to compare where an organization is now, where it wants to be, and how to bridge the gap between. It is primarily used to identify specific internal deficiencies and proposing potential measures about how to ‘close the gap(s). It is a remedial strategic planning tool predominantly deployed in detecting and forestalling scope creep and tracking strategy implementation success. A gap analysis is an examination and assessment of your current performance for the purpose of identifying the differences between your current state of business and where you’d like to be. It can be boiled down into a few questions: Where are we now? Where do we wish we were? How are we going to close the gap? Conducting a gap analysis helps improve business efficiency, products and profitability by pinpointing areas of deficiency and inefficiency in the business value chain. Once complete, it enables to focus its resources and energy on those identified areas in order to improve them. It is a business process improvement strategic planning tool.